Monday, November 1, 2010

ten guilty pleasures...

While enjoying yet another diet-[UN]friendly handful of what's left of my candy corn today (and by "what's left" I mean the remainder of the 3 bags that I've hoarded in the kitchen... don't act like you're perfect!), I felt inspired to write an entry describing my 10 biggest guilty pleasures.  Although my list could continue for about a mile, I figured that I must cut it off somewhere if I plan on reaching that "2 subscribers" mark sometime this year.  So, consider this my response to a society where I can't find my way through the day without encountering something to remind me about how I should become a quinoa-eating, yoga-practicing, 100% sustainable, electric-car-driving, vegetarian do-gooder who's idea of a good time is hosting a family game night for some good ole' wholesome fun (because seriously... what could be more fun than that?)
  1. Baby-daddy episodes of Maury
  2. Completely non-complex white flour and starches
  3. Retail therapy
  4. Sweat pants
  5. That area of useless crap that greets you when you first walk into Target
  6. Anything shaped like a cat
  7. The one-week period after seeing a Broadway show, when you're completely obsessed with it (hence my ownership of both the Jersey Boys and Hairspray soundtracks)
  8. The gluttonous moment after Thanksgiving dinner when, in a turkey-induced partial coma, you slump down on the couch for a nap (I'm sensing a pattern with food-related pleasures in my life... )
  9. Discovering a random craft idea (Sculpey, homemade children's tutu's, decoupage, you name it), and thinking it's going to be the next "big hobby"... only to try it twice and not pick it up for a month!
  10. Blogging... and pretending someone reads it!!!